Home Nursing services

Al Hanan Home nursing offers a wide range of nursing care services in UAE to suit your specific needs and budget. Nursing care services at Al Hanan Home nursing is the right blend of technical expertise, compassionate care and commitment. Your well being is our priority.


Al Hanan Home nursing is for people of all ages who are recovering from surgery or an accident, recovering from exacerbation of a chronic condition (e.g. congestive heart failure or CHF, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, arthritis, and asthma), coping with physical impairments, dealing with the complications of aging, prescribed a new medication, and diagnosed with a new condition. Home Care is available in your own home, independent living community, assisted living community, and group home. Our experienced team makes recommendations and gives you the tools to succeed in self-managing your chronic condition. We follow the 5C’s PRINICPLE to offer the best services to our clients


At Al Hanan Home care nursing, we have a team of well-qualified nursing staff with a bachelor or diploma degree in nursing, more than 2 years of experience in different hospitals or nursing care facilities. Speak with our team of experts to know more.

  • Comprehensive care
  • CLINICAL quality


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